Today we’re going to tap on the affirmation I love and accept myself. You’ll be working on loving yourself and accepting yourself exactly as you are right now.
This doesn’t mean you don’t still want to make changes but those changes will really be easier if you already love yourself and already accept yourself.
I’ve included a full EFT script for you to join in with.
You’ll be releasing resistance and emotional blocks as well as raising your vibrations so that you feel really positive about this affirmation.
Classic EFT and Heart and Soul EFT
In classic EFT, we always said something along the lines of I deeply and completely love and accept myself at the end of each setup statement. In the new Heart and Soul EFT, this has been removed.
Whilst I agree with the removal in some cases, for example, if you’re clearing phobias such as a fear of spiders. The statement isn’t relevant and can cause more resistance. However, I still feel that for things like feeling positive about yourself, it’s important to use this phrase.
I recommend you do 3 (or more if you like) rounds simply saying I love and accept myself completely.
If you’re new to EFT, take a few minutes to check out my EFT – HOW TO TAP GUIDE. It’s super easy to learn and use yourself.
EFT Set-up – I love and accept myself
Hands one on top of the other in the middle of your chest.
Take a nice long, slow breath in, hold, relax and breathe out.
Say – I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Repeat three times.
EFT Tapping Script – I love and accept myself
Tap gently on the following points, keeping your breathing nice and relaxed.
As you gently tap each point, say “I deeply love and accept myself”
- Top of the head: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Forehead: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Start of the eyebrow: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Side of the eye: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Under the eye: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Under the nose: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Chin: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Collarbone: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Side of thumb: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Index finger: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Middle finger: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Ring finger: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Little finger: I deeply love and accept myself.
- Karate chop (side of the hand); I deeply love and accept myself.
(I encourage you to do three rounds like this. You don’t need to do the set-up again).
Finish off back in the heart healing position with hands over the middle of your chest.
I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Take a nice deep, slow breath and relax.
I encourage you to drink water before and after tapping.
Enjoy this session. This is a wonderful EFT script to follow regularly, even daily.
More EFT scripts for daily tapping – 7-Day Emotional Freedom Techniques For Weight Loss
I love and accept myself is also a powerful affirmation, repeat it to yourself throughout the day. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and self-talk.
A really positive thing to do is look at yourself in the mirror, I mean really have a good look at yourself. And say I love and accept myself.
You can use any affirmations with EFT in this way. Check out this blog post for more ideas – 70+ affirmations for weight loss.
Learn to Love Yourself challenge
Learning to love yourself is so important, especially when it comes to weight loss and healthy living. I encourage you to take my LEARN TO LOVE YOURSELF CHALLENGE.
I encourage you to also check out my EFT script to LOVE YOUR BODY – Again this is something that will really impact the way you feel and so many other areas of your life.
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Bonus content and services include – The EFT Zone, The Empowerment Zone, The Accountability Zone. Request personalized EFT Scripts and Law of Attraction plans plus direct messaging for ongoing coaching.
Love yourself always x
Wendy Tomlinson is a qualified EFT Master Practitioner.
Coach Wendy – Wendy Tomlinson Coaching
Lincolnshire, UK
Mindset Coach
Life Skills Coach
EFT Master Practitioner
Law of Attraction Practitioner
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