Gratitude in business is so powerful as it is in all areas of life. I consider it to be our emotional superpower.
In this post, I want to explain why gratitude is so important and share some top tips to help you add more gratitude to your business life.
Focus on what you’re already grateful for in your business and you become a match for even more to be grateful for.
Before I get started, I want to say a BIG Thank You to you for being here and reading this blog post.
Gratitude and the law of attraction
The law of attraction attracts to you what you focus your attention on and it responds to your feelings. Gratitude creates a high vibrating (positive) emotion.
What this means is that when you focus on what you’re grateful for, you are much more able to attract more things to be grateful for.
I encourage you to get really clear about the business you want – Check out my Clarity in Business post to help with this.
This way you will also be focusing on the business you want to attract, mix that in with gratitude and you’re onto a winner.
Start and end your business day with gratitude
I encourage you to spend time at the start and end of your business day where you spend a few minutes focusing on what you’re grateful for in your business.
By doing this, you start each day with positive energy and you finish your day in the same way. You open yourself up to allow more things to be grateful for.
Notice what shows up – ongoing gratitude
Throughout your business day pay attention to what’s showing up and show gratitude for everything that shows up that you want.
This is a powerful habit to get into. This lets the Universe know that what it’s giving you is the right thing.
My favourite way to express gratitude in this way is to say to myself “YES, thank you, more please.”
Gratitude blasts
I love gratitude blasts and if you find yourself feeling a bit down during your business day, do this little exercise.
Ask yourself “What am I grateful for right now?” Just blast out all of the things you can think of that you are currently grateful for in your business. This will really help to shift your focus and improve the way you feel. Aim for 10 or more things each session.
Gratitude Journal
Another wonderful daily habit is to keep a gratitude journal. When you first start your journal, list everything you’re grateful for in your business.
Then each day, ideally at the end of the business day. Write down 3 or more things that you are grateful for specific to that day. Today I’m grateful for…
I encourage you to read…
- How to use a gratitude journal
- Law of Attraction and Gratitude
- Creating a gratitude list and why you should
What you focus on expands
There’s a saying in the law of attraction community that goes like this – What you focus on expands. When you’re focusing on what you’re already grateful for, you’ll be attracting more of that.
If you focus on the wonderful clients you already have, you will be more able to attract more wonderful clients. Focus on the sales you’re making, more sales…
Remember that when you focus on things add gratitude (your superpower emotion).
Gratitude affirmations
Fill your mind with gratitude. Here are some ideas. You can also check out Affirmations for business success.
- I’m so grateful for my business
- I’m so grateful for all the people who support me in my business
- I’m so grateful for my wonderful clients
- I’m so grateful for my constantly growing business income
- I’m so grateful for all the sales I made today…
Hypnosis and gratitude
Hypnosis Downloads (please note that this is an affiliate link. I’ll receive a commission if you buy anything using my link.
I recommend them because I genuinely love them) – The download I’d like to recommend is Gratitude Attitude
Law of Attraction Business Planning Pack
Now, if you want to take things even further – Download the Law of Attraction Business Planning Pack to really help you stay focused on using the law of attraction to create the business you want.
Law of attraction Business Planning Workbook – Business planning like you’ve never seen before. This is not to impress anyone else, it’s to impress the Universe so that the law of attraction can help you build your ideal business.
I really hope you’ve found today’s post helpful. Please share this post wherever you can. Thanks – Wendy – Your online life and business coach.
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