Whether you’re new to being an entrepreneur or you’ve been in business for a long time, these positive, empowering affirmations will help you build a powerful mindset for success.
I encourage you to read my HOW TO USE AFFIRMATIONS GUIDE. Even if you’re familiar with using affirmations, you may find some extra tips to help you make the most of these positive messages.
I’ve also written a blog post specifically on HOW TO USE AFFIRMATIONS IN BUSINESS which is well worth a read.
You may have many employees or be a solopreneur, some of the affirmations are regarding employees or a team. Use these affirmation examples to help create more that are a match for your personal situation.
37 Empowering Affirmations For Entrepreneurs
- I am a successful entrepreneur
- People love doing business with me
- I create fantastic opportunities for myself and for others
- I’m a great leader in my business
- I love giving others the opportunity to shine in my business
- My work makes a difference
- I create amazing business opportunities every day
- I love the freedom my business gives me
- I am empowered
- I am successful
- I know how to balance business and the rest of my life
- I love trying new business ideas
- I have a strong success mindset
- I absolutely love being my own boss
- Every day in every way my business becomes more and more successful
- Every year my business profits are rapidly increasing
- Money is streaming into my business
- I am creating multiple successful income streams
- I already have multiple successful income streams
- I am worthy of success in my business
- I am worthy of financial success
- I am confident in my ability to create continued success in my business
- My business allows me to have a life I absolutely love
- I constantly achieve my business goals
- I surround myself with positive people who support me
- I am supported by a wonderful team who share my passion for my business
- I reward my employees well and I am grateful for their amazing skills that make my business better and better
- I attract amazing people to my business
- I believe in myself – I believe in my team
- I am confident
- I am focused
- I am passionate about my business ventures
- The possibilities for me are endless
- I am talented
- I attract the best people to work with me in my business
- I am proud of myself – I am proud of my team
- I can do this. Success is natural for me.
Use affirmations to change limiting beliefs
Affirmations are a great way to help change limiting beliefs that can block you from achieving the success you want in business.
Here’s an example of a limiting belief. Jane (my virtual coaching client) used to run a business with her ex-husband. The business was successful but Jane is now setting up a new business on her own.
She has all the skills she needs but she has a belief that she hasn’t got what it takes to be successful on her own. This is a big limiting belief and it could really stop her from achieving the business success she wants and deserves.
Jane can use affirmations to shift this belief. She can use the following affirmations…
- I have what it takes to be successful on my own
- I have all the skills I need to be successful in my chosen business
- I am talented
- I know how to manage my business well
- I am a successful solopreneur…
I would encourage Jane to use her positive affirmations specific to her every day and as she goes through her day, she should pay attention to her thoughts and if she notices any limiting thoughts that don’t support her, she can replace those thoughts with something more positive.
Combine your affirmations with EFT Tapping
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT helps to improve your energy flow. It can really help with things like releasing limiting beliefs, releasing emotional blocks and helping you to raise your vibrations and build new beliefs.
When you tap on affirmations, it helps to release resistance to them and helps you to feel really positive about them.
Let’s say your affirmation is… I am a super successful entrepreneur. When you say this and your reality is that you’re struggling to make ends meet in your business, then it is probably going to feel like a lie.
If you tap on the EFT points using this affirmation then you’ll help to make it feel real and release limiting beliefs that stop you from being successful. You become more and more of a match for allowing the success you want.
Here’s the tapping script for the affirmation… I’m a super successful entrepreneur. You can use any affirmations you want.
Simple EFT Script – I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Side of the hand – I’m tapping today to feel more and more successful as an entrepreneur and in all areas of my life.
- Top of the head: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Eyebrow: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Side of the eye: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Under the eye: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Under the nose: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Under the mouth: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Collarbone: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Under the arm: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
- Side of the hand: I’m a super successful entrepreneur
This is one full EFT round. You can repeat this round as many times as you want. Repeating the affirmation and tapping in this way is incredibly powerful.
I recommend some daily tapping. This kind of positive tapping is ideal for daily tapping to help you feel great and build positive beliefs that support you as an entrepreneur.
More support to help you create business success
Blog posts – I have an ever-growing collection of blog posts to help support you to create a successful business that you love. These include more on affirmations, EFT for business success, law of attraction for business tips, and more. Go to BUSINESS SUCCESS MINDSET
DOWNLOADS – I’ve created some special Business Success Workbooks that are available to buy on my Etsy shops. These workbooks are designed to really help you create the business success you want. Go To WENDYCOACHING On ETSY.
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