In this post, you’ll learn about Ho’oponopono – The forgiveness prayer and how you can use it in your own life, how it works with the law of attraction and add even more power to it by combining it with EFT TAPPING.
What is Ho’oponopono?
This is the Ho’oponopo prayer – I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice through forgiveness. The word Ho’oponopono translates to ‘Make right.’ both for yourself and others.
This special forgiveness prayer allows you to let go of negative emotions and low energy. It creates a powerful shift often with amazing results.
I first heard about Ho’oponopno from Dr Joe Vitale. I learned about a young Doctor – Dr Hew Len who used Ho’oponopono to heal a ward of mentally insane very dangerous criminals.
Here’s a video of Joe talking about what Dr Hew Len was able to achieve using Ho’oponopo Healing with Ho’ponopono. It really is fascinating. Please do take the time to watch as it really will give you more of an understanding of how powerful this prayer is.
Here are my Amazon Affiliate links for Joe Vitale’s books Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian For Wealth, Health, Peace and More and At Zero: The Final Secrets to “Zero Limits” The Quest for Miracles Through Ho’oponopono.
Please note that depending on the information you read or hear, the prayer is sometimes structured differently but always using the same words. I personally find this order the most effective…
- I’m sorry
- Please forgive me
- Thank you
- I love you
Ho’oponopono and the law of attraction
Ho’oponopono is an incredibly powerful law of attraction tool and one that I use in my own life all the time.
Let me tell you a little about how the law of attraction works. You are always vibrating at a certain frequency. You are either vibrating positive or negative vibes at any moment.
The simple version is that if your vibrations (vibes) are positive (HIGH), then you are a match to manifest what you want. If they are negative (LOW) then you will block what you want.
One of my law of attraction Teachers, Michael Losier says that we can only attract what we are a vibrational match for.
You can only attract what you are a vibrational match for.
So, on that basis, if something shows up in your life that you don’t want, then you are in some way a vibrational match for it.
So we say…
- I’m sorry, please forgive me… This is acknowledging that in some way you have been a match for this thing.
- Thank you. You’re thanking the Universe
- I love you. I like to think this is love both for yourself and anyone involved.
So, let’s say that you’ve manifested a negative, hurtful interaction with another person. You feel that this person is being unkind and unjust in the way they are treating you. This is a horrible and upsetting situation that you feel you have no control over.
Start focusing on Ho’oponopono. I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. Repeat this over and over.
What you’re doing is saying to the Universe. I forgive myself for manifesting this. I also forgive the other person, you are sending love to yourself, out into the universe, to the other person and to the situation.
Now, this doesn’t mean that it’s okay that this person is being so horrible, but if you focus on that, you add energy to the person continuing to be horrible.
You’re sending love and positive energy to yourself, to the other person and to the situation. Ho’oponopono has incredible power to completely turn the situation around.
If you just get angry or upset, you are adding low energy (vibrations) to the situation and you’re a match for it continuing or even getting worse.
By shifting your focus to Ho’oponopono, you completely shift your energy and vibrations so that you are no longer a match for the negative situation.
How can I use Ho’oponopono in my own life?
You can use the Ho’oponopono prayer any time something is showing up in your life that you don’t want.
Also, if you catch yourself worrying about something, you can use Ho’oponopono to help shift your focus away from the thing you don’t want.
Here are some of the ways that I’ve used Ho’oponopono successfully in my own life.
Ho’oponopono to release tension in a relationship (any relationship)
I was experiencing a problem with a specific relationship. I’d had a series of very hurtful emails and really felt that I had no control over the situation. And a situation I needed to resolve as quickly and amicably as possible.
I was hurt, upset, annoyed and angry. I knew these emotions were natural but not going to help the situation at all. So, I started to use Ho’oponopono.
I repeated the words… I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. I repeated it over and over, first until I was able to calm myself down but then as I went about my day.
I stayed away from my emails for the rest of the day. The next day when I checked my emails I found an email from this person using a completely different tone and the situation was resolved in a positive way.
Some people will say that this is just a coincidence but I’ve had experiences like this so many times when using Ho’oponopono.
Ho’oponopono to help others
One way I’ve positively used Ho’oponopono is to help other people. For example, when a family member was grieving, when my son was having problems at school and when a friend was struggling to make a difficult decision… When I have spoken to these people afterwards they have reported feeling better.
Ho’oponopono for a negative situation
I’ve used Ho’oponopono to help shift my focus and energy when things are not going well in my business and when I’ve had things going wrong in my personal life.
For example, I recently had an issue with my Gas and Electricity supplier. Initially, I got quite worked up about it and annoyed. I seemed to be getting nowhere with them. I then started to focus on Ho’oponopono – filling my mind with… I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
Within a few hours, I received a phone call from them explaining that there had been an error on their side and they were sorting it out immediately. They also gave me extra credit as an apology.
Ho’oponopono any time something shows up you don’t want
I encourage you to try Ho’oponopono any time something shows up in your life that you don’t want. Focus on the situation and then start repeating – I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.
Using EFT with Ho’oponopono
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and we can use Ho’oponopono with EFT TAPPING to add even more power to this powerful forgiveness prayer.
- Top of the head: I’m sorry
- Forehead: Please forgive me
- Eyebrow: Thank you
- Side of the eye: I love you
- Under the eye: I’m sorry
- Under the nose: Please forgive me
- Under the mouth: Thank you
- Collarbone: I love you
- Under the arm: I’m sorry
- Side of the hand: Please forgive me
- Top of the head: Thank you
- Forehead: I love you
- Eyebrow: I’m sorry
- Side of the eye: Please forgive me
- Under the eye: Thank you
- Under the nose: I love you
- Under the mouth: I’m sorry
- Collarbone: Please forgive me
- Under the arm: Thank you
- Side of the hand: I love you
I have a full blog post here on the blog that goes into EFT and Ho’oponopono in more detail.
Have you had success with Ho’oponopono?
I would love to hear about your experiences with using Ho’oponopono in your own life. Please comment below to help inspire others.
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