Using affirmations for wealth is a great way to shift from old, limiting beliefs to building new, positive beliefs that support you in attracting more wealth into your life.
I’ve added a good-sized list of affirmations to help you create a wealth mindset and how to use your wealth affirmations with EFT tapping. this will help to release resistance and raise your vibrations (making you more and more of a match for attracting wealth into your life).
Affirmations are simply positive statements. You can use these statements to deliberately focus on the life you want.
These messages send a powerful message to the Universe about what you want to attract into your life, they help to reprogram your subconscious mind and shift limiting beliefs.
I’ve created a special guide to help you make the most of affirmations – It’s packed with ideas to help you create powerful messages to support you to feel your best, be your best and create a life you love.
Mike Dooley from the hit movie, THE SECRET famously said: “Thoughts Become Things.” Therefore it is surely a wonderful use of your time to fill your mind with positive thoughts of wealth.
Affirmations for wealth examples
- I am wealthy
- I am wealthy in all areas of my life
- I have a wealthy life
- I am open to receiving wealth
- Wealth flows to me with ease
- I am naturally wealthy
- I am a naturally wealthy person
- I deserve to be wealthy
- Wealth constantly flows into my life
- I’m a match for attracting more and more wealth into my life
- I am grateful for the wealth I already have
- Wealth comes to me in many different ways
- I allow myself to be wealthy
- I’m enjoying my wealthy life
- Wealth is pouring into my life
- Today I am attracting wealth and good fortune
- I radiate wealth
- I am a magnet for wealth
- Every day in every way I am more and more wealthy
- It’s easy for me to attract opportunities to create more wealth
- I am generous with my wealth
- I use my wealth to help others
- Creating wealth is easy and natural for me
- I am always wealthy
- Every day is a wealthy day
- Whatever I do, wealth always flows to me
- I do what I love and wealth flows to me
- I focus on doing what I love and wealth flows to me with ease
- I’m a wealth magnet
- It’s safe for me to be wealthy
- It’s a positive thing for me to be wealthy
- I am worthy of great wealth
- I love wealth in all it’s wonderful forms
- I invite more and more wealth into my life
- Being wealthy is good for me
What is wealth?
When we talk about wealth it is often in relation to money, possessions we own… But I want you to think about all areas of your life and draw wealth into each area.
In my blog post How To Balance And Improve All Areas Of Life, I focus on 8 key areas of life.
I’d love you to read that post and then think about the wealth you’d like to draw into those areas of life.
What does wealth give you? What does your life look like, feel like when you have wealth?
Create your own wealth affirmations
Take some time to get really clear about what wealth means to you. What would your life be like if you were already wealthy?
Make a note of everything you come up with and create an affirmation for each thing.
Example – If I was wealthy already I would own my own home. Your affirmation could be – I own my own home or I’m loving living in my own home that’s decorated just the way I like.
Example – If I was already wealthy I would have free time to spend with my family. Your affirmation could be – I always have time to spend with my family.
Example – If I was already wealthy I would feel financially secure for life. Your affirmation could be – I am financially secure for life.
Related posts on the blog
I have a collection of posts here on the blog related to wealth that I think you’ll benefit from reading.
- How to attract a more joyful life
- Positive Affirmations For Money
- Affirmations for prosperity
- Success Affirmations – Fill your mind with thoughts that support you
- Affirmations for abundance
- Happiness affirmations – Time to get happy
- How To Set Yourself Up For Success
EFT – How To Tap And Use With Affirmations
If you’re new to EFT, I’ve written a full EFT – HOW TO TAP GUIDE right here on the blog. It’s super easy to learn and use.
Tapping the side of the hand, say a set-up statement about why you’re tapping. SET UP EXAMPLE – I’m tapping today to release any blocks to wealth.
Tap gently on the following Meridian Points – Top of the head, forehead, eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the mouth, collarbone, under the arm, side of the hand. Say the word WEALTH at each of the tapping points.
Tip – Have a drink of water before you start tapping and again after you finish tapping.
EFT and affirmations are a powerful combination. When you tap on the affirmation, you release any resistance to the affirmation being possible for you and you raise your vibrations, helping you to be more and more of a match for what you want. For more in-depth information, check out my EFT AND AFFIRMATIONS GUIDE.
Simply say one of your wealth affirmations at each tapping point.
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Coach Wendy – Wendy Tomlinson Coaching
Lincolnshire, UK
Mindset Coach
Life Skills Coach
EFT Master Practitioner
Law of Attraction Practitioner
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