Would you like to balance and improve all areas of life? Well, I’m going to be honest, I’m not sure there is such a thing as total balance in all areas of life, at least not all of the time but this post will help you to do the following:
- Find your starting point – Where you are now in all the key life areas
- See where you most need to pay attention
- Moving forward, you’ll have a clear picture of how to improve and balance your life
Before you get started, I want to let you know that I’ve created a special workbook to support you – LIFE BALANCE AND IMPROVEMENT WORKBOOK – I recommend working through this monthly for ongoing success in all areas of your life. Available to buy from my ETSY shop.
Key areas of life
Most people have 8 key areas of life which include…
- Your Physical Environment (your home and anywhere else you spend a lot of time)
- Your business life/career
- Finances
- Health and wellbeing
- Family and friends
- Romance and relationships
- Personal growth
- Fun and recreation
All too often people focus on one or two areas and neglect the other areas of life often until they are in need of drastic attention.
There are always going to be times when you need to pay more attention to one area but I encourage you to give some attention to all areas on a very regular basis.

Your Physical Environment
Make the places where you spend time, places you want to be. You may not be able to move house or change your job so that you have a nicer workspace but there are always things you personally can do to improve your physical environment.
This is often an area where people place a lot of focus and that’s a positive thing, just don’t give it so much of your attention that you let other important areas of your life suffer.
You may want to check out my Business Mindset posts here on the blog.
Pay attention to your finances. Make sure you manage what you have well and work on achieving your financial goals now and in the future.
I’ve written a couple of posts that you may want to check out – 4 Essential Savings Accounts When You’re On A Tight Budget and Money Management and Creating a Positive Mindset About Money
Health and wellbeing
This is an area I see people neglect a lot, especially as they are trying to build a successful business.
I too have been guilty of this. I encourage you to make this area of your life a high priority.
Worth a read – health, weight loss and wellbeing tips.
Romance and relationships
You may not be in a relationship right now but you can still pay attention to this area of your life by focusing on self-love – love for yourself.
And if you do want to create more romance in your life, this is an area to work on.
I have a download available to help ATTRACT A LOVING RELATIONSHIP
Family and friends
This is also an area I see people neglect as they build their business and in my opinion, this should be the most important area of life for a truly fulfilled life.
For those of you with children, I encourage you to read my law of attraction Parenting Series.
Personal growth
How do you want to grow, and improve yourself? This could be learning new skills, gaining qualifications, gaining confidence...
A few blog posts you might find helpful in this area are Develop a Growth Mindset, How To Set Yourself Up For Success and What’s your vision for life?
Fun and recreation
Another area I see many people neglect – I encourage you to make time for this area of your life no matter what. Do things you really enjoy regularly.
I encourage you to make a fun list. A list of things you can add to your day-to-day life that you really enjoy as well as things that you can plan for looking into the future.
Have a read of Happy vibes all the way today
Wheel of life
Imagine each piece of the wheel as a full cup. How full is your cup?
For example, how do you currently feel about your business/career? Full would be – It’s absolutely brilliant and I’m really happy with where I’m at right now.
This does not need to mean you have your ideal business instead, it would mean that you feel everything is going well. You are paying a good amount of attention to this area of your life.
An empty cup would mean that business is not going well and you are not enjoying it or that you’re not paying much attention to this area of your life.
How full do you feel this area of life is?
Do the same for each area of life.
How is the balance?
When you’ve completed the wheel of life exercise, you may well see that some areas are more full than others.
Ideally, you want all areas to be full but don’t worry if that’s not the case. You can work to bring more balance to your life.
Watch out for very low areas of your life. If one area of your life is very low, then use this as a warning and make sure you dedicate time and energy to this area of life.
Fill up all areas of life
I encourage you to work on filling up all areas of life each and every month. Use felt pens or pencil crayons to show how full each area of life is. I do this exercise at the start of every month.
For example the first time I do the exercise I will use a yellow crayon. The next month, I would use an orange crayon to show the improvements I’ve made and so on.
Make it a monthly habit
I really recommend that you take some time at the end of each month to review all areas of your life.
It can be as little as a quick check-in or you can combine it with your goal setting to see what progress you’ve made and what you want to focus on during the month ahead. See what’s working and what you want to change.
Download the Life Balance And Improvement Workbook
You can download the LIFE BALANCE AND IMPROVEMENT WORKBOOK from my Etsy Shop.
Wishing you happiness and success in all areas of life.
Wendy xx
You may also want to check out my Simplicity Goal Setting Download. When you simplify your life then you create time and energy for the things that really matter to you.
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