Ready for some happy vibes? You know, as a blogger, I tend to think of a title first. I obviously know roughly what I want to write about but the title is the first thing that I come up with. Now, just read it again – Happy vibes all the way today. I don’t know about you but that makes me happy right away.
I love happy vibes. When we have happy vibrations (the energy we send out into the universe) we naturally attract more and more things to feel happy about. Sounds good right?
So, how do we go about getting happy vibes going on every day? I’ve put together my top tips below.
Do things you enjoy
Oh my goodness, this is a no-brainer but so many of us don’t do this or at least don’t make it a priority.
I absolutely love this quote by Jack Canfield – “If it ain’t fun, don’t do it.”
Now, I haven’t quite got to the stage where I only do fun things, things I enjoy but this is definitely something to aim for.
I would definitely question anything you do that you don’t enjoy. When you start to question these things, you will often find that there isn’t a good reason to do it. Most of us have things we do by habit without ever actually asking why we do it.
If there is something you don’t like doing but feel you have to do, know your reason why and try to attach it to something positive. Here’s a really simple example, I really hate hoovering (vacuuming) the house but I do like the house to be clean. Hate hoovering – Love a clean house. So I can focus on the end result when I do hoover.
Check out my post 30 ways to raise your vibrations for ideas.
Make a fun list/journal
At the back of a notebook, start making a fun list. Things you really enjoy doing, things you want to do… Then at the front of the notebook, start journaling about things you do each day that you enjoy and also write about the things you’re planning that you enjoy. This forces your focus on happiness.
Also, if you are having a bit of a down-in-the-dumps day, you can read your journal and shift your focus back to happiness.
Happy affirmations
Fill your mind with happy thoughts – I’ve already created a lovely post of affirmations for happiness, so pop over there and get loads of ideas.
Here are a few to get you started…
- I’m only allowing happy vibes today
- This is a happy vibes zone
- I only attract happy vibes
Tap into happiness
Use EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques to tap into more happiness and this will also release anything that is blocking happiness in your life.
Learn how to use EFT yourself – Read my EFT Tapping Guide.
Here’s a fantastic daily EFT tapping session – Simply tap on all the EFT points saying HAPPY VIBES.
The tapping points to use are… Top of the head, forehead, eyebrow, side of the hand, under the eye, under the nose, under the mouth, collarbone, under the arm, side of the hand.
I encourage you to get up and move around whilst running through the tapping point. Do 2-3 rounds and even several times during the day if you want.
Check out EFT for happiness and EFT for more joy
Surround yourself with happy people
In an ideal world, everyone in your life would be happy and we could all live in total happiness but the reality is that’s not likely to happen always but you can make an effort to spend time with happy people.
Let the universe know that you want to attract happy people into your life and be grateful for those people who already add happiness to your life.
And if you do have to deal with some people who are negative, read How to deal with negative people in a positive way.
Plan in happiness
When you plan your day, actually plan for things you enjoy throughout the day. I like to do this the night before so that I already know I have nice things to look forward to the next day.
Maybe it could be, connecting with a friend or loved one, buying yourself flowers on the way home from work, going for a walk, taking a long soak in the bath, lighting your favourite candle, treating yourself to a massage, taking the time to enjoy putting on your favourite body lotion, perfume…
Happiness doesn’t need to come from the big, special events in life. I feel it comes from the really small things we do regularly. But we need to pay attention and notice the happy moments and then they will become happy days.
Happy Hypnosis Audios
Hypnosis audios are a fantastic, easy and super relaxing way to increase happiness. Simply put the audio on, relax and listen.
I recommend and use a company called Hypnosis Downloads. I’m an affiliate for them. This means that if you purchase from them using my affiliate link, I will receive a commission as a thank-you for the recommendation.
Check out these Hypnosis Downloads Happy Memory Jogger – Easily recall happy memories. This is a wonderful way to increase your happiness levels.
Feel Happy Every Day Wouldn’t that be great? This audio helps you to develop instinctive and habitual happiness.
Set yourself up for a happy vibes day
I really hope you’ve enjoyed today’s post. Let’s do a quick reminder.
- Make doing things you enjoy a priority and try to eliminate as many things you don’t like as possible
- Make a fun list/journal
- Fill your mind with positive thoughts using affirmations
- Tap into happy feelings using EFT
- Surround yourself with happy people
- Plan in happiness
- Try a happiness hypnosis download
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If you enjoyed this blog post, I’d love you to SUBSCRIBE TO MY POSITIVE MINDSET NEWSLETTER for practical and easy-to-follow tips, tools and techniques to feel your best, be your best and create a life you love.
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Bonus content and services include – The EFT Zone, The Empowerment Zone, The Accountability Zone. Request personalized EFT Scripts and Law of Attraction plans plus direct messaging for ongoing coaching.
Look out for these printables from the ETSY SHOP – The HAPPINESS EFT SCRIPTS and the JOYFUL LIVING GUIDE.
Please share this post wherever you can – Thanks so much – Wendy – Your online life and business coach.
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