These law of attraction exercises are specifically designed to help you gain clarity, raise your vibrations and allow the law of attraction to deliver what you want.
Did you know that the law of attraction is constantly working in your life? There is no off switch. And it works for everyone.
It’s my intention to help you deliberately use this power that is always present in our life to create a life you love.
The 3 key law of attraction steps
There are 3 clear law of attraction steps which are…
- Clarity – Getting clear about what you want
- Raise your vibrations – The best way to monitor your vibration is by the way you feel. The more positive you feel the higher your vibrations
- Allow – Release blocks and resistance to the law of attraction actually working for you
The law of attraction exercises I am sharing with you here today will cover all 3 of the law of attraction steps.
Each exercise ties in with the other so they make a really powerful combination that really will help you to effectively use the law of attraction in your own life.
I also encourage you to read Law Of Attraction – How To Use Its Power Effectively
Exercise 1 – CLARITY – What do you want?
I want you to write down what you want. How you want your ideal life to be but also for a short time, focus on what you don’t want.
Start by making a list of all the things you like/love about your life already. Then make a list of things you don’t like about your life or those things that you’re not totally happy with right now.
Taking your second list, ask yourself this question. If I don’t want this, what is it that I do want? Add this to your first ‘LIKE/LOVE’ List.
Here’s an example – I don’t like having to work weekends. What do I want? I want to get all my work done by lunchtime on Friday and have my weekends free to do whatever I want.
Don’t worry too much if you don’t have a clear picture of your ideal future. Such as – I live in a beautiful 4 bedroom house, I have a brand new (car type)…
If you do have an ideal life image in your mind that is great. If you don’t just work with your do like – don’t like list. Just deal with the here and now.
This is a powerful law of attraction exercise for CLARITY
Bonus tip: whenever something shows up in your life that you don’t want – don’t like, ask that power question – If I don’t want this what do I want?
Recommended reading – How to create a law of attraction lifestyle
You’ve probably already read some of my affirmations posts but please take the time to read this specific affirmation exercise as this is an important law of attraction exercise that ties in with the previous CLARITY exercise.
Take your DO WANT/DO LIKE LIST from the previous clarity exercise and now I want you to create affirmations based on your list. These affirmations are so incredibly powerful because they are super-specific to you.
Here are a few examples…
List – I want a monthly income over £5,000. AFFIRMATION – My monthly income is always over £5000
List – I like it when I am able to take weekends off to do whatever I want – AFFIRMATION – I easily get all my work done so that I can do whatever I want at the weekend
- Fill your mind with positive thoughts
- Success Affirmations
- 10 affirmations for a positive mindset
- 130+ Affirmation Examples
List – I want my family to help around the house so that we can enjoy time relaxing as a family – AFFIRMATION – My family are great at helping around the house so that we all get to enjoy time together
As you can see the wording is only slightly different but making these affirmations statements is incredibly powerful for you.
Keep this affirmations list with you and read it daily (several times a day ideally) – Keep filling your mind with these powerful messages that support you in attracting the life you want.
This law of attraction exercise continues to build on clarity – It helps to start raising your vibrations and also starts to release resistance and allow what you want.
Recommended reading – 30 ways to raise your vibrations
EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques to ALLOW
EFT is in my opinion one of the very best techniques you can learn. It’s super easy and no special skills are required. I’m a qualified EFT Master Practitioner but I was using EFT many years before I got this qualification.
If you’re new to EFT please read EFT – How to Tap
I want to share a specific way to use EFT now that ties in with the two previous exercises.
In the first exercise you worked out what you want and created your DO WANT- DO LIKE LIST.
Next, you created the specific power AFFIRMATIONS that will help you to create that life you want for yourself.
Now we are going to work on releasing resistance – blocks – so that the law of attraction can deliver to you that which you want.
EFT to release resistance and ALLOW
We’re going to now take the affirmations that you’ve created and combine them with EFT.
Read Affirmations and EFT – Why they’re a power combo
What we do is tap on the affirmation statements and this will do two things – It will raise your vibrations and release resistance, therefore helping you to allow them to become true for you.
Let’s say that you said currently in your life, you don’t like where you live. In your do want list, you write – I do want to live in a beautiful 4 bedroom house, in a nice area, with nice neighbours, a good school and great local amenities within a short walk from your house.
Your affirmation is – I live in a beautiful 4 bedroom house – it’s in a nice area – I have really nice neighbours – There is a good school and great local amenities within a short walk from my house.
You may say that affirmation and feel like it’s a lie, have resistance to this becoming true, hold beliefs that say you can’t have that. EFT will help to release those blocks.
At each tapping point, you will say the entire affirmation. Focus on only 1 affirmation for the entire round or you can read through all of your affirmations, changing the affirmation at each point.
I recommend several rounds of tapping and also come back to it to keep clearing more and more.
This law of attraction exercise is great to raise your vibrations and allow.
Watch my 5-part law of attraction video series (The videos are a little old but still just as valuable).
Law of attraction exercises for clarity, raising your vibrations and allowing
Let’s do a quick recap of the 3 exercises to help you gain clarity, raise your vibrations and allow.
- CLARITY – Use the DO WANT – DON’T WANT Lists – Ask If I don’t want this, then what do I want? Add your answers to the DO WANT list.
- RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS – Use Affirmations to raise your vibrations and keep building on that clarity exercise. Your affirmations are created based on your DO WANT LIST.
- ALLOW – Use EFT to release resistance, release limiting beliefs and release blocks to allow the law of attraction to give you what you want.
I hope you’ve found these law of attraction exercises really helpful. They do take time and effort but it’s so worth it to deliberately use this incredible power.
More law of attraction help
I’ve written loads of law of attraction posts here on the blog which you can find here >> LAW OF ATTRACTION BLOG POSTS.
In particular, I really encourage you to read my HOW TO USE THE LAW OF ATTRACTION GUIDE as I may well explain it in a different way from what you’ve heard before.
And I have loads more tips over on my YouTube Channel – (this link will take you straight to my law of attraction playlist).
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Please Pin and Share – Thanks so much. Wendy – Your online Life and Business Coach.
Pito Sok says
How to see and feel at the same time a specific amount of money we want?
Wendy says
Focus on the feeling that amount of money would give you. Also, I recommend EFT Tapping to release resistance to attracting that amount of money. See my EFT guide
Kim Edwards says
Thank you Wendy. I will take on board what you say and try my hardest to make this work. I’m very grateful to you for taking the time to explain this.
Rahul Dubey says
I am grateful for getting this post while scrolling Pinterest. I will definitely follow these 3 tips of law of attraction. Thanks for explaining this huge topic in easy and interesting way.
Wendy says
Thank you. I’m pleased you found it useful.
Rahul Dubey says
You’re most welcome, Wendy!