Mind clutter can block you from being productive and from creating a life you love. Even if you’ve already built a life you want, mind-clutter can totally stop you from enjoying it.
Today, I have an awesome tip to help you clear your mind-clutter and be able to focus on the good stuff.
Also, check out my SIMPLICITY TIPS post here on the blog for more ideas.
I absolutely love simplicity because the more you simplify your life, the more TIME and ENERGY you have for the things in life that are really important to you. That’s got to be a good thing, right?
When your mind is cluttered, it’s really difficult to be present either with other people, yourself or with tasks that you need to complete.
3 ways to clear your mind clutter
By clearing your mind clutter, you will find it easier to get clear about what it is that’s important to you.
- Write out the clutter thoughts
- Tap it out – EFT
- Breathe it out – Breathing exercise
I’ll explain each of these ways below for you.
Do A Brain Bump
Write out your min-clutter. Simply take out a sheet of paper or notebook and get writing. Write about anything that’s filling your mind up. Just get it all out of your head and onto the paper.
You don’t need to worry about it making sense, being neat, being grammatically correct or anything like that and you can write any way you want, free-form scribbling, list form.. whatever works for you.
Write the good, the bad and the ugly so that you’re mind is then clear to focus on the things that actually matter to you.
Here’s the video explaining this MIND CLUTTER TECHNIQUE.
FOLLOW-UP – Once you’ve cleared out all the mind clutter, you may want to write down the things that do matter to you such as your goals and the action you need to take today or the people you want to spend time with.
Tap out mind-clutter with EFT
If you’re new to EFT, check out my HOW TO TAP – EFT GUIDE – It’s really easy yo learn and use.
- Set up – Tapping the side of the hand – I’m tapping today to clear my mind of clutter and focus my attention on what really matters to me
- Top of the head – Clearing this clutter
- Forehead – Clearing my mind
- Eyebrow – Focusing on what matters
- Side of the eye – Clearing this clutter
- Under the eye -Clearing my mind
- Under the nose – Focusing on what matters
- Under the mouth – Clearing this clutter
- Collarbone – Clearing my mind
- Under the arm – Focusing on what matters
- Side of the hand – My mind is clear
Repeat several times. After 2-3 rounds, you may want to change to just saying MY MIND IS CLEAR.
I also want to mention a few more EFT scripts that I have here on the blog that can help ease mind-clutter.
Breathing exercise
You want to focus on slow and deliberate breathing. Take a nice deep breath in, hold for a couple of seconds and slowly release.
- As you breathe in, in your mind say “I breathe in calm”
- As you breathe out, say “I release any clutter that is filling my mind”
Repeat several times then let your breathing relax into a natural rhythm and with each in-breath say “Calm” and for every out-breath say “Release”
When to use these mind-clutter exercises
You really can use these mind-clutter exercises any time you want. I used to do the writing exercise at the start of each day, every day in the first year or so of my business.
I was going through a divorce, learning how to manage life in a completely new way, I’d started the business and moved countries and I was trying to be the best mum I could. I had a lot of mind-clutter.
I also had a million ideas for my business whizzing around in my head and the problem was that I was unable to focus on anything I actually needed to do until I’d cleared my mind clutter.
Some days I’d sit for a good hour and write, do the EFT and the breathing exercises. I knew if I didn’t very little would get done.
Help to get clear about what’s important to you
Once you’ve had a go with these exercises to clear your mind-clutter, take some time to get clear about what’s important to you.
I encourage you to read How To Balance And Improve All Areas Of Life where you’ll focus on 8 key areas of your life (powerful exercises included)
Simplicity Goal Setting (Download)
If you’ve found this post helpful and you want to really focus on simplicity, check out my SIMPLICITY GOAL SETTING.
I designed this pack to help you simplify all areas of your life and work out what’s really important to you. Check out my video talking about Simplicity Goal Setting.
Simplicity week planner
You can also download my Simplicity Week Planner. It’s a really nice way to help you stay focused on the things that matter to you.
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If you enjoyed this blog post, I’d love you to SUBSCRIBE TO MY POSITIVE MINDSET NEWSLETTER for practical and easy-to-follow tips, tools and techniques to feel your best, be your best and create a life you love.
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Bonus content and services include – The EFT Zone, The Empowerment Zone, The Accountability Zone. Request personalized EFT Scripts and Law of Attraction plans plus direct messaging for ongoing coaching.
Coach Wendy – Wendy Tomlinson Coaching
Lincolnshire, UK
Mindset Coach
Life Coach
EFT Master Practitioner
Law of Attraction Practitioner
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