In this special Emotional Freedom Techniques article, I’ve put together a collection of EFT scripts for business success.
If you’re new to EFT, take a few minutes to read my EFT – how to tap guide, it’s super easy to learn and use to help release blocks to success and raise your vibration to be a match for the business you want.
Why I recommend daily EFT Business Tapping
EFT tapping will help you let go of emotional blocks and limiting beliefs connected with your business that block you from achieving the success you want.
Daily tapping will also help you to consistently achieve your business goals and attract the business you want.
It ties in perfectly with using the law of attraction to manifest your ideal business.
If you only have time for one or two rounds of EFT then do that. If you have time for longer sessions all the better. It all helps.
A basic EFT script to improve the energy of your business
Place your hands one on top of the other over the middle of your chest (the heart position). Take three deep breaths in and release.
Now state your intention: I’m tapping to improve the energy of my business.
Focus on your business with love. Gently start tapping the EFT points and say “My business”
- Top of the head: My business
- Forehead: My business
- Eyebrow: My business
- Side of the eye: My business
- Under the eye: My business
- Under the nose: My business
- Under the mouth: My business
- Collarbone: My business
- Side of the hand (just below the little finger): My business
This is one round of EFT. You only need to place your hands in the heart position at the start of the round. Repeat as many times as you want. I recommend a few rounds every business day.
EFT for Business Success Collection
There’s a big collection of EFT scripts below but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, leave me a message below.
I love EFT tapping for all areas of life and I share these EFT for business success scripts to give you ideas for using EFT in your own business and life.
If you’d like one-to-one support with your business mindset, head to my WORK WITH ME page for more information.
EFT Tapping Scripts For Business Motivation
In any business, you need to keep showing up day after day and putting in the work and that takes motivation. If you need a motivation boost there are 3 fantastic scripts in this post EFT TAPPING SCRIPTS FOR BUSINESS MOTIVATION
These are my own personal favourite affirmations to combine with EFT tapping. They’re absolutely perfect for daily tapping. 3 Affirmation and EFT combo scripts for business success
When you combine your business success affirmations with EFT tapping, you release resistance and any emotional or energy blocks. Find out more about the power of combining EFT with Affirmations
I have 2 wonderful affirmation collections here on the blog to give you more ideas Affirmations for Entrepreneurs and Power Affirmations For Business Success – Use any that resonate with you with EFT.
These EFT scripts are powerful for times when you feel overwhelmed or stressed about your business in any way. EFT and AFFIRMATIONS for when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your business
On my ETSY SHOP, I have several downloads to help you in your business, including the EFT SCRIPTS FOR BUSINESS SUCCESS COLLECTION with over 20 powerful scripts.
EFT tapping scripts to attract money into your business
WANT MORE PAYPAL PAYMENTS? EFT – Attract PayPal Payments – Another one I often use for my daily tapping for business success
EFT – Attract Abundance – Whilst not strictly business, it’s important in business to create a positive abundance mindset.
EFT and Affirmations to make more sales – If your big focus in your business is to increase your sales, this is fantastic for daily EFT
EFT – It’s safe for me to be wealthy – This EFT script is really powerful if you have any limiting beliefs about money. I personally realized that I had a belief that it wasn’t safe for me to be wealthy. It would put me in danger. I now know that this is a limiting belief that many people have and it’s really important to release this old, limiting belief and replace it with a positive new belief
EFT tapping scripts to support your new business
EFT to help grow your new business – This is so powerful for anyone starting a new business – Giving you the best chance of success
EFT – Starting Again After A Failed Business – If you’re currently starting a new business after a failed business, this is a must to release old, limiting beliefs attached to your old business
EFT tapping scripts to support you in your business
EFT for more clarity – Clarity is so important in business. It’s like working on strong foundations to build a really successful business (always time well spent)
The following EFT sessions are not specifically business-related as such but they will certainly help you in your business life.
- EFT and affirmations to feel empowered
- Reduce Stress with EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques – Stress will undoubtedly stop you from enjoying your business life
- EFT to Improve Concentration – Definitely an essential
- EFT – I’M NOT ENOUGH – Release the feeling – A major success blocker for many people
- Improve Your Confidence with EFT, affirmations and Hypnosis – If you feel like you’re not taking business action because you lack confidence, this is a game-changer
- EFT for Stress Relief – Tapping Script and Tips – I recommend daily stress tapping for everyone
- Affirmations and EFT – Why they’re a power combo – You can use any of your business affirmations with EFT for more power
Work with me
Please ask about empowered accountability coaching and check out my coaching page.
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